About Reach4u FAQ
  • Why Hire a Coach Now? Timing: A life change, promotion, demotion, marriage, baby, divorce, or pending retirement, raises questions about your identity, your beliefs, or your habits. Perhaps, you want to make changes in your life, and don't know how to begin, or you don’t feel as connected as you’d like to the people in your life. You are ready to take on new challenges or opportunities and feel stuck.

  • What results can I expect? Together with your coach, you will observe yourself in action, notice blindspots, and identify desired outcomes. Armed with a plan that includes an assessment, fresh perspectives, and practices that build upon your strengths and underutilized options, you will undertake a journey to reach your goals. Side-by-side to guide you when you are off-course, will be an experienced certified coach.

  • What are some of the ways coaching will work for me?
    • • Increases self awareness and encourages self management.
    • • Shifts the locus of control from others to self.
    • • Establishes priorities and focuses on what’s most important.
    • • Replaces stale habits with productive alternatives.
    • • Sets boundaries so that you do what YOU want and need.
    • Strengthens relationship and communication skills.
    • • Enables you to feel satisfied with who you are and what you’ve achieved – finally!
    • • Reduces stress and increases sense of well-being.
    • • Ensures that you attend to all the domains of
      your life in a balanced way.
    • • Enhances the authenticity of your relationships, most importantly the one with yourself.
    • • Focuses your activities on what energizes you.
    • • Identify source of resistance and clears the way
      for forward momentum.
blossoms, new growth